June 14, 2011

Something New, Something Different

As a first post, I'll do some introductions and some explanations. 

So, who am I? Rei from New England. I'm finishing my final year of college as a Neuroscience undergrad. I'll admit, I'm feeling pretty shy about doing all of this. I'm not normally a shy person so this feels as awkward as the title suggests. Lol

What is this blog about? For six months out of a year, I'll be doing monthly challenges that push social expectations. I'll blog about how these challenges are going and what I'm doing to deal with it. Occasionally I'll post up things about my life and things that aren't related to challenges but still are about changing social opinions.

Why this blog? I read a lot of blogs and new articles where some college classes asks students to do social challenges like quitting social networking sites and blogging about it as an assignment. That peaked my interest. And as I continued to roam around on the internet between blogs and news sites, more of these types of things crop up. So I wanted to try some.

Why is it called Awkward Turtle Dances? "Awkward Turtle" is a social reference to a socially awkward situation or person. These challenges that I do or mention are ones that are outside of the mainstream social norm. And for dancing...well I can't picture a socially awkward person dancing because it'd be a challenge for that person. So I put them together and there you go, Awkward Turtle Dances. 

I think that's about all I need to address, right? So here we go for this rather bumpy ride!

So for 6 months, here are the challenges I will be doing [in no particular order]

  1. Eating vegan
  2. Quitting social networking sites
  3. 3 Minute showers
  4. 6 items of clothing
  5. Working out everyday
  6. Surprise!
The reason why I’m choosing to do it bi-monthly is so that I can have a month in between challenges to get ready or plan for the next challenge. And also to just re-balance myself and my mind from the challenge.
I will tell you all that I plan to do before I start the challenge. I will also update bi-weekly on how things have gone and what I’ve done. So wish me luck! And of course if you have challenges, let me know in comments!

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