September 26, 2011


I finally had time to work out again! Last week, I had almost no time to work out. I had four night shifts, two exams, two quizzes, two lab reports...basically a lot of things going on in my life. Since school is number 1 on my list of priorities, I had to stop working out last week. But after finishing my third exam, I worked out! I didn't have time to go to the gym and lift so I did the workout video that I posted here. I did that workout twice the last time I talked about it and I died. I did it this one time since my one week hiatus and I was exhausted. Thankfully, looking at my numbers, I didn't lose too much of my progress.

If you're interested:
This week's progress after my little vacation:
Crab toe touch: R1 [round 1]: 21, R2: 20
Dive bomber: R1: 6, R2: 7
One leg squat and one leg pike: R1: 6, R2:6
Thigh shrinker exercise: R1: 12, R2:14

Crab toe touch: R1 [round 1]: 26, R2: 24
Dive bomber: R1: 6, R2: 5
One leg squat and one leg pike: R1: 6, R2:6
Thigh shrinker exercise: R1: 16, R2: 14

Also due to the fact that I took a week vacation, I'll be extending challenge 2 until October 11th. I'll also be deciding what my next challenge will be!

September 22, 2011


I wish you had been poison. Poison in which could be easy to cure, like a snake bite in which its venom could be sucked out. A type of sickness that can be cured with antibiotics or even the suffering of nasal congestion, coughs, and restless sleep. I wish you had been another, anything but what you are. It's run rampant in my life and as I chase after it, trying to sink myself onto it, it shakes me off and continues to run at breakneck speeds I can't physically do. I wish you had been Anger, like a metal rod put in fire. Red and hot and virtually unchangeable but easily thrown away if I chose to. Or placed back into the fire, manipulated time and time again, and although it may burn me or scar me, at least there's the chance that I can throw it away. I wish you had been Envy, like the green algae that fester the waters of once beautiful ponds. Virtually unable to sweep away or scrape away, or even prevent but still, I could brush it aside to see the waters. Even if it's still there, I can brush it aside wider and wider, wider and wider, until it's at the edges in which they can cling to the water walls attempting to survive. I wish you had been Sloth, like a lazy dangerous beast. At least I could chase you away. Beasts must be afraid of something right? Fire? Noise? I could ask a witch to brew Sloth something special, something that could chase you aside out of your cave. Something in which a caveman or even I could corner and kill, like the once giant sloths that have existed in evolution in which humans have terminated. I wish you had been Gluttony, like those hungry mythical monsters that live in the sea who demand virginal sacrifices from whichever poor country you've ransacked. At least then, I could be the mythical hero from a far away land who have come a long journey to kill you in order to continue my quest for something better. I wish you had been Greed, like the pink pigs run on a farm. At least I could've fattened you up before slaughtering you and it wouldn't have been in a FDA approved manner either. I'd slaughter you in the methods depicted in The Jungle because Greed isn't clean and it doesn't feed anything good but it'd still been better than who you are. I wish you had been Pride. At least I could've smashed mirrors apart and even though I would have seven supposed years of bad luck in an attempt to kill off Pride, at least the years wouldn't be full of you. Even Venus fell down with a mortal lover and at least if I fell down with Pride, I could've started another chain of events that would be better than the mess you're dragging along. But you? You're something that I can't withdraw from. Even when I find myself as far away from it as possible, it'll come chasing after me like a ghost missing the warmth of life. A drop of you, a small sample of you, and your aftertaste can't be washed away. It expands and I try to pull my skin apart to let you out because you're making my skin too tight. You're making me exhale too often when I should be trying to inhale because you're sneaking your fingers to my lungs and squeezing. You're a weapon growing inside of me and yet I can't launch you away. You're not killing me softly either, there is no softness in death, and when I figure out how to exterminate you, you shouldn't smile at me because I won't be killing you softly either.

September 21, 2011

Top 5 Tips for Working Out

I realized I haven’t posted much about my second challenge other than quick links. Here are some top tips that I’ve heard and followed that have made this second challenge so much fun!

1. Train like a guy. What this means is don’t be afraid of free weights. Don’t be afraid to lift weights, in general. Write down how many sets you did and how much weights you lifted. As you progress, you can keep track of how much stronger you’re getting. You won’t get big either. You’ll get all the results you wanted.

2. Interval training is the best. Seriously, I go out of my way to avoid running. I’ll do it because it is necessary.  However why run for 20, 30, or 45 minutes when you can get the same results in less than 20 minutes? Try this the next time you think you have to run for 30 minutes nonstop to get the results you want: sprint or run as fast as you can for 1 minute, jog for 3 minutes. Repeat. You can apply this type of logic to other exercises [I haven’t tried this with weight lifting yet so I don’t recommend it]. Also interval training for me has been intense. I get burned out in 12 minute workouts and the best part? It’s all I need.

3. Do NOT do isolation exercises. You know you’ve done it, the times you’ve hit the gym and ONLY worked on legs or arms or abs. Think about all those guys you’ve seen with monstrous arms but the rest of their body looks normal. Yes, that’s what can happen to you too. Do exercises that work multiple body parts.

4. Doing cardio everyday gives you results. My friend told me that I didn’t have to spend any time doing sit ups or anything so long as I do cardio. He told me by doing cardio and remembering to tighten up your abs, you’ll get your ab workout right there!

5. Experiment! Don’t always do the same thing over and over again. Confuse your body. This means don’t do the same lifting exercises every week, don’t do yoga everyday either. By doing different things, you’re making your body stronger and who knows, maybe you’ll find something new that you like!

September 19, 2011

Thrifted Outfit!!

My dressed up outfit for a depressing Monday [depressing because it means a start of another week!].
Shoes: Thrifted
Tank top: Thrifted
Skirt: Thrifted
Leggings and cardigan: Forever 21
Scarf: bought from a local store at the beach two summers ago

I feel proud of my thrifted outfit. I hope that someday, I will have accumulated enough clothing from thrifting to always have some of it in my daily outfit. That would mean by then, I would NOT be contributing to mainstream shopping and landfills of perfectly good clothes.