June 19, 2011

Unveiling: Challenge 1

Here's my first challenge! I'll be starting it July 1st! I'll admit, I'm pretty scared to do this! You know when my younger cousin first told me he managed to go vegan for a week, I felt amazed. Here's a guy who loved eating burgers and steaks and he went without ANY TYPE of animal products for a week?! He said it was kind of fun, coming up with ways to find food. I figured that if he could do it, I could too. Also my mom periodically eats vegan for a week or a month. I find it pretty hard when she has to cook and handle meat in order to make dinner for us and see us eat it while she's eating something else.

A few FAQ:

Why eating vegan?

Did you know that meat production is one of the biggest contributors to the decline of the eco-system? Well it is. If you think about it, the amount of meat an average person consumes means that meat production needs to go on a large scale of production. So this leads to destroying forests to make room for these massive farms. Taking care of these animals also means we are sucking biological resources dry. We feed the stock with things we heavily grow, thus leading to land degradation. By reducing the amount of meat we eat, we can decrease our carbon footprint AND on a large scale, we can decrease the amount of meat that needs to be produced! Source

Why's it a challenge?

I've always wanted to eat less meat but have struggled with it. By eating vegan for a month, every day for every meal, I'm pushing myself to this challenge in hopes to change the way I eat forever. I'm not saying I'm going to give up meat forever but this challenge will hopefully make me decrease my wanting to eat meat. It's pretty hard to give up meat. In my opinion, I love steak. Also the protein it offers means I go hungry less often and have more energy to work with. I mean I love salads and fruits and all that, but I don't think I could name a day where I didn't want to eat meat. I mean the only exception of course is Chinese New Year, where by my family's religion, we HAVE to give up meat for a day. But that's different. That's once a year.

Also when I told my mom I was eating vegan, she laughed at me. "It's not fun!" She said. Which means I get to learn how to cook vegan food! Also when I told my friends I was eating vegan for a month they looked at me shocked, asking me why I would torture myself so much!? Haha. Some of my friends are okay with it though. One of my bests friends felt excited because she could take me to eat at a vegan pizza restaurant. So yes it's going to be a challenge to stay full and to find food!!!

What's your game plan?

I'm thinking...I'm going to eat a lot. Like stuff myself so much and eat 6 meals a day! And drink rivers of water. Lol. It's going to be scary because I'm going to be starting my summer classes soon, so I'll be pretty active. I'm pretty scared that I'll get so hungry I'll slip up a lot. Or I'll cry because the food tastes so bland or something. No idea. But the game plan is to eat a lot to never starve!

 I'm thinking about updating every week or every other week. It depends on how much I have to say on the subject.

Stay tuned!


  1. this can be done! are you gonna count your calories too?

  2. i've never been a calorie counter, so i probably won't. besides i need to gain all the calories i can get! i only weigh 100 lbs!
