June 30, 2011

Pre-Gaming for Challenge 1

To celebrate going vegan for a month, I decided to go out to eat a few times to savor meat before it disappears. Last Friday, I went out with my best friend and roommate to go try out Indian food. My best friend loves Indian food and I thought I would too because I love curry and roti. So unfortunately, I discovered Indian food isn't my type of cuisine. How sad. I was so consumed by eating, I totally forgot to take pictures! Sorry! I finally remembered to take some pictures when we went to get dessert though!

Some ice cream with a layer of coffee underneath. Yum!

I discovered green tea cookies! New favorite cookie?!

hehe...all gone!

So today, I asked a few of my friends to go eat at a steakhouse with me to enjoy my last day.


My silly roommates

Prime rib
Sally's idea with the big fat knife

So starting tomorrow, my vegan journey begins! Wish me lust!

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