August 16, 2011

About My Next Challenge

After my first challenge, which was eating vegan for a month, I was excited to do another. Originally, I had planned on doing a challenge every other month but once I started to do one, I loved the challenges. However, as I thought about my next challenges, I couldn't find one fitting to do for August. So I decided to skip on doing a challenge for August and do challenge consecutively when school starts.

My next challenge starts September! Challenge 2 is all about being healthy. It'll be about working out every day and eating healthy. I'm actually not a big fan of doing diets. I stay healthy by eating right as much as I can. This means I typically avoid junk food and I eat balanced meals.

So my next monthly challenge is about actively being healthy. We all know that we're supposed to do intense physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day. However between classes and work, finding time to eat and sleep is difficult. Who has time to work out?! We also know we should eat balanced meals, avoid junk food, stop eating after a certain time. Despite these warnings, we all stay up late and are guilty of cracking open a bag of potato chips or making some ramen noodles. My next month's goal is to challenge myself into becoming committed to this goal of living an active and healthy lifestyle.
This goal is particularly very important to me. I've been trying but often slack off. I hope that by doing this challenge, it'll change my habits by making me WANT to do these things. I'd also like if I get accustomed to being active everyday, it'll become part of my daily routine that I will keep intact long after this challenge is over.

Right now, I'm going on about researching workout ideas and nutrition. So far, my work out plan is relatively simple. I get bored easily with working out because I hate going to the gym and simply being there. I rather be playing a sport and getting my exercise that way. Currently I plan on lifting weights 3-4 times a week, run every morning for 10 minutes, swim or do pilates twice a week, and a "free" day where I can choose something to do [like cardio kickboxing or yoga]. This vague workout plan is to prevent me from getting bored and to change things up from the typical "go to the gym, do this for this many minutes, done".

Stay tuned!

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