August 13, 2011

Happy 21!

Since it's personal blog, I decided to add something personal to it x]. It's my 21st birthday today and so to celebrate, I decided to add two lists. One list is 21 things I want to do before I die and the other list is 21 facts about me.
21 Things I Wanna Do Before I Die
  1. Jump off a cliff/top of waterfall into an ocean/waterfall. 
  2. Learn to pilot a plane
  3. Own a personal library
  4. Watch a bright meteor shower
  5. Live on my own [or with a roommate] in a townhouse/apartment with an indoor pool
  6. Drive a manual car
  7. Write an original novel
  8. Contribute big money to charity
  9. Make the perfect tiramisu
  10. Make mango sorbet at home
  11. Travel to Europe, Egypt, Morocco, and Hong Kong
  12. Learn Chinese medicine
  13. Learn to be a carpenter
  14. Learn to be a mechanic
  15. Learn to do a back hand spring
  16. Learn a type or two of martial arts.
  17. Take a road trip with friends
  18. Read 20 classical literature books.
  19. Learn to play a song on the piano.
  20. Swim with dolphins
  21. Cook as well as my mother because good food is worth learning for.
 21 Facts About ME!

  1. My favorite color is red.
  2. I have a lot of deja-vu dreams.
  3. I laugh a lot. My friend once revealed to me that from the moment he met me and saw my face, he just knew I was a "go lucky" type, and we became close friends because both our personalities are like that!
  4. I'm a proud lefty!
  5. I have approximately 15 younger cousins!
  6. I love salsa dancing, particularly New York style salsa though because it's more dynamic and every couple gets their own "space".
  7. I also love tango. I wanted to learn how to tango the moment I saw this dancing scene from a movie. It looked so graceful and passionate.
  8. And Viennese waltz. I'm part of my school's Ballroom Dance Team and when I first learned Viennese Waltz, it was so much fun that I got so dizzy from the spinning. It was fast paced, elegant, and beautiful.
  9. My favorite type of music would be R&B
  10. And speaking about music, I never really connected to music until high school.
  11. My name shows off my multicultural background.
  12. I love to read!!!!!
  13. On books: My all time favorite book is One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
  14. When the mood hits me, I write poems or I draw.
  15. I have a major sweet tooth
  16. I taught myself how to ice skate by watching Michelle Kwan on TV at age seven!
  17. My favorite athletic thing to do is swim. I've been swimming since I was also seven!
  18. I have this strange thing where I dislike odd numbers in groups of people. For instance, I don't like to hang out with a group of 5 because one person will always be out.
  19. I babysit three of my baby cousins on a daily basis from morning until late afternoon.
  20. I rarely watch anime and the only manga I've ever read was Gundam Wing.
  21. I believe that you get everything you want out of life through hard work. Only that way, you can be happy.

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