August 31, 2011

Unveiling: Challenge 2

I'll be starting my second challenge September 4th. It's not quite on the dot in terms of the month but that's because that's when I get back to school. I figured I might as well start the challenge along with my move in date back to campus right? Challenge 2 is to work out everyday for a minimum of 30 minutes!

I've been struggling with working out for so long. I went from being one of the most active people in high school to not doing any type of physically demanding activity in college. It was mostly because I was focused on my coursework but that's not a big excuse. Another reason why I've struggled with working out is because I get bored easily. In high school, I spent five days a week doing a sport. I got all my exercise of the day by performing these sports. Since I'm not doing a sport in college, it was easy to lose the physical activities.

So I devised a plan to get myself from getting bored. My plans? Everyday, I'm going to wake up early to take a full ten minute run. Three days a week, I'll be hitting the gym and lifting weights. Two days of that week I'll be doing something like Pilates or swimming [my favorite!]. One day of that week is kind of a freebie, where I can chose what kind of activity to do: pilates, swimming, cardio kickboxing, yoga, etc.

A few FAQ:

Why working out?

We all know, from our doctor's appointments to news articles, that working out for a minimum of 30 minutes is healthy for your body. Yet, who really does this? A lot of people, as it seems to me, work out because they either want to lose weight or gain muscle. If I hear someone wanting to work out because they want to be healthy, it's typically linked to either wanting to maintain their weight or lose the weight. I'm doing this challenge solely to stay active, in hopes that this challenge transcends past a month and into my daily life. Who knows? Maybe I'll get addicted!

Why's it a challenge?

Anyone who goes to school or goes to work everyday should know that it's hard to find time to eat or sleep or run necessary errands. Who has time to work out?! That's why it's a challenge: making time to work out!

Why did you chose the plan you did?

Mostly to continue to cycle through things. I despise going to the gym and simply lifting weights. That's so boring for me! However, I know that lifting weights is a great exercise that we don't get enough of, so I'm doing it three times a week! I didn't want to get bored and I didn't want to leave things so vague. You know those people whose New Year's resolution is to work out at the gym and yet they never manage to fulfill it? It's because their plan is too vague. By targeting something, you'll be more likely to be able to focus! So if you're interested in losing weight, gaining muscle, or just being active: make a game plan! You can build it up too, step by step.

Are you going to be going on a diet as well?

Most likely not. I'm pretty healthy in terms of eating. I don't feel that changing my diet would mean that I'm not meeting my challenge. I could change my mind though, who knows!

Wish me luck!

Now I have to go start packing away and be prepared to be shipped off! =D

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