September 08, 2011

I'm Feeling ADDICTED!

It's been a week and I've been keeping true to my challenge! Working out everyday! When I go to the gym and lift, I love the "fuzzy" feeling I get! I also love the soreness. When I do pilates, I love feeling sore too. When I swim, I'm in love with the movements.

I'll admit, the only thing I'm NOT addicted to is running. I dread running. I'll do it because I have to, but I despise it. Sprinting is something I enjoy but it's not something I can do often. Running gives me bad shin splints so I started to opt out of running and do other cardio workouts instead. I also started to do interval cardio workouts where you intensify your workout for a minute and spend three minutes slowing it down. For instance in running, I'll sprint 100 meters but spend the rest of the lap jogging. I cut the time I'm spending on cardio but am getting the same type of goal.

My school has a gym that offers fitness classes. I'm hoping to get into some of them because I think it'll be fun to change my routine a little once in a while. The only thing I find difficult with this challenge is finding time to work out. Some days, I wake two hours before classes start to go to the gym. However, when I'm working night shifts, it's hard to do this as often as I would like. Between classes are difficult too because I get hungry.

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