July 07, 2011

It's A Tough Vegan Cookie to Swallow

So these days have gone by and well...I'm surprised. For one thing, I'M ALWAYS HUNGRY! I don't eat a lot but I find myself always hungry. Maybe it's because my body is adjusting still, meat does tend to make you full longer.

Also as I go about my days, I find it difficult to think of things to eat. I'm always second guessing myself if I can have certain things. At one point, I wanted to have peanut butter, but was wondering if I could because the name suggests butter, which would have diary products in it. I was sad to hear I wouldn't be able to have Nutella for this month because it has skim milk in it. I always wonder if I can have certain salad dressings or not, or honey! I eat Honey Nut Cheeroies all the time and it wasn't until I ate a whole bowl that I question whether or not I could. Honey, apparently, seems debatable because some vegans consider it okay and others don't. I've decided to include honey to be able to eat cereals that will keep me full.

Also it's kind of annoying when people don't eat vegan. They find it so shocking that I'm doing it at all. To be honest, they kind of look disgusted when they hear about it. I just tell them I'm experimenting. But it's annoying because they start mentioning all these things like BBQs, steaks, and etc. It kind of seems like they're not respecting my choice to at least TRY it.

Also my boyfriend wanted to go off to eat oysters at a bar. I LOVE seafood. So when I went off to my date, I broke it. So I ate oysters for a late lunch/early dinner. That's in this post. I avoided 2 BBQs though to avoid temptation so far! For that I can be proud. Someone mentioned that I don't seem to be able to handle eating vegan. Well let me repeat that this is a CHALLENGE for me. You stumble in challenges and you should get back up. Well I haven't gone back. It's a week.

But on a positive note, I have found something new that's vegan and I like to eat! I like to eat vegan ham but my mom introduced me to this bean curd that you buy in a can that tastes sort of like beef. It's delicious!

I told my bestie that we'd go off to eat VEGAN PIZZA soon! So I'll have that to share with you guys!

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