July 07, 2011

A New Mini-Post Series! - DUK

A new series of mini-posts! It's titled "Did you know...?", or otherwise "DUK?"

Essentially it's about little facts that may or may not relate to the challenges I do.

Here's the first one.

DUK... that although Earth is made up of 75% water than there is land, it is just as polluted as the air? What was once thought of an unlimited clean resource is now discovered that it isn't. Everything you put in your body and on your body effects the ocean and the eco-systems the live in it. Even the household cleaners you use. The lotions you apply, and even the medications you take, all leaks back into the water. Although it's been reported that the levels of drugs being in water system is too low to cause any problems, it's still being found in the tissues of the fishes. Antibiotics leaking into the water means that there could be breeding ground to foster a drug-resistant bacteria. The lotions and soaps can have chemicals that go into the water, which we may or may not drink, that can lead to chemical disruptions in our bodies. [Source1, Source 2].

Scary isn't it all to think about? Try to limit these things or try to control what you put down the drain.

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